Afudos Engineering Edition Hotels
AMI Flasher utility AFUDOS, AFUWIN, AFULNX, AFUEFI downloads; Free instant access to BIOS tips! Fill in your name and email and receive our ebook 'How to update your PC BIOS in 3 easy steps' (15$ value), free BIOS tips and updates about Wim's BIOS! Fast, Scalable and Secure Webhosting. Afudos [filename] /p /b /n /c /x where [filename] is the latest BIOS file in the bootable USB device. Note that, the filename of the BIOS file will always have an extension name as ROM (i.e. Feb 18, 2016 Need AFUDOS engineering edition to flash retail ASUS BIOS on prebuilt MB. Thread starter. I can't seem to find the 'engineering edition' anywhere. I've made DOS bootable USBs using the HP tools with WIn 98 as well as with RUFUS and FreeDOS, and using AFUDOS 2.29ES and 3.36. I should have mentioned that. I have tried with a bunch of the.
Hi, (sorry for my english mistake. I'm french) I got the same laptop, N56VZ and a tried to flash it with amibcp 4.53. But i think i have the same probleme as you, it won't flash. It seems easy flash block flashing, maybe it detect a difference with an original bios. So i'd like to know if its possible to force flash this type of bios, and if possible, How? Plus, I can't change the build date with an hex editor. Firmware for pioneer dvd-rw.
I tried to take an original bios, change the date, the new date is detected but it's impossible to flash. I tried a similar method with mmtool, i can extract the module, then i modify it, and then i can't re-insert it. It said invalid ffs. Hope my post will help. Couldn't follow this thread for a week, i'm glad someone decided to do something for this bios. I'm eagerly waiting for the solution. I need this laptop to run at least 3.5 Ghz because I'm doing video editing and faster CPU clocks are always welcomed in that area.
All I want is to be able to set BCLK in the BIOS. One possible solution from me to the problem of not being ablo to flash the old bioses: Go to WinFlash folder, create a shorcut, right click and choose properties, type '/nodate' after the 'WinFlash.exe'. Thanks to this metdod you can flash the old BIOS files without any problem. (, 05:20 AM)moral hazard Wrote: I tried to do my best to figure this out but I can't. If you can, maybe try to contact Prema, he might know what the problem is.