Cuddles And Tucky Radio Program
James Montgomery Flagg's 1940 illustration for McGarry and His Mouse The Billboard first teased McGarry and His Mouse with this notice in its issue of April 13th 1946 KDYL spot ad for McGarry and His Mouse from July 24th 1946. KSTP spot ad for McGarry and His Mouse from July 27th 1946. Bristol Myers' promoted Ipana toothpaste and Vitalis hair tonic during the NBC run of 'McGarry and His Mouse' KVOA spot ad for McGarry and His Mouse from September 4th 1946 Caption reads - 'In real life she's Shirley Mitchell. In radio, she's the 'Mouse' of the 'McGarry and His Mouse' series broadcast on WGN every Monday at 7 p. Background Debuting in September of 1940, Matt Taylor's 'McGarry and His Mouse' series appeared in 'This Week' magazine inserts in newspapers throughout America. The initial series was illustrated by no less than James Montgomery Flagg, famous for the iconic patriotic images of 'Uncle Sam' throughout the era.
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Matthew 'Matt' Taylor launched his hapless, but loveable character Detective Danny McGarry in 1940 with a series of short stories that appeared in 'This Week' news magazine inserts syndicated with the Sunday newspapers of the era. Quickly rising in popularity, Taylor's amusing tales of rookie detective Danny McGarry and his clever girl friend, Kitty Archer--or 'The Mouse' as McGarry lovingly referred to her, McGarry and His Mouse continued to captivate North American Sunday readers throughout the World War II years. As the War began to wind down, McGarry and His Mouse caught the attention of the National Broadcasting Company (NBC). NBC thought enough of the franchise's potential to order a 1945 audition of 'McGarry and The Mouse.' Featuring William Gargan as Detective Dan McGarry and Ruth Warrick as 'The Mouse,' the audition--and project--languished until the Spring of 1946.
Cuddles And Tucky Radio Show
Apparently Bristol-Myers thought enough of its potential to buy the series from General Amusement Corporation and renamed the commercial series back to Taylor's original 'McGarry and His Mouse.' Dan McGarry and his'Mouse' take to the airwaves over NBC Debuting on June 26th 1946, McGarry and His Mouse initially featured Wendell Corey as Detective Dan McGarry and Peggy Conklin as Kitty Archer. A Summer replacement for its popular The Eddie Cantor Show, Bristol-Myers promoted its Ipana toothpaste and Vitalis hair tonic lines throughout the NBC Run. Supporting Wendell Corey and Peggy Conklin were Betty Garde as Kitty Archer's mother, Thelma Ritter as Kitty's best friend Bernice and Arnold Robertson as Dan's uncle Detective Inspector Matthew McGarry. By the fifth installment of McGarry and His Mouse, durable character actress Shirley Mitchell replaced Peggy Conklin as Kitty Archer.